La Dislexia del Desarrollo: Gen, Cerebro y CogniciÛn Development al Dyslexia: Gen, Brain, and Cognit ion
Devel opmenta l dysl exia is a disorder c ha ra c teriz ed by dif f ic ul ties in rea ding a c quisition. Rec entl y, dysl exia ha s been rel a ted to f our dif f erent genes whic h a re prone- risk c a ndida tes: DYX1C1, KI AA0319, DCDC2, a nd ROBO1. These f our genes pa rtic ipa te in bra in devel opment, a nd a noma l ies in tha t devel opment c omprise the known el ements of the biol ogic a l c onstel l a tion underl ying dysl exia . The induc tion of simil a r bra in devel opment a noma l ies in experimenta l a nima l s produc es probl ems in the proc essing of c erta in sounds. I n huma ns, simil a r sound proc essing probl ems a re rel a ted to a rea ding a c quisition disorder. Consequentl y, f or the f irst time it is possibl e to del inea te a tentative path between a genetic characteristic, brain devel opment variations, and behavioral and cognitive disorders rel a ted to dysl exia .
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