Teacher Stress, Emotion, and Classroom Management

Teaching can be both a rewarding and a demanding job (Johnson, Cooper, Cartwright, Donald, Taylor, & Millet, 2005; Kiziltepe, 2006). When teachers perceive that professional demands exceed their capacities for coping, they can become stressed and vulnerable to job dissatisfaction, emotional exhaustion, and burnout (Klassen & Chiu, 2011). Recent research suggests that the eff ects of stress are linked to teachers’ emotional and professional well-being, with sustained negative feelings and dissatisfaction leading to burnout and an eventual decision to leave the profession (Lopez, Castro, Santiago, & Villardefrancos, 2010; McCarthy, Lambert, Crowe, & McCarthy, 2010). Such consequences can occur early in a teacher’s career: Ingersoll (2001) noted that 40-50% of teachers leave the profession in their fi rst fi ve years and that the cost of replacing these teachers is signifi cant (Reese, 2004).
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