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Social Neuroscience : Key Readings

About the Editors Acknowledgments Preface PART 1 Volume Overview: Analyses of the Social Brain through the Lens of Human Brain Imaging John T. Cacioppo & Gary G. Berntson PART 2 The Brain Determines Social Behavior Reading 1: The Return of Phineas Gage: Clues about the Brain from the Skull of a Famous Patient Hanna Damasio, Thomas Grabowski, Randall Frank, Albert M. Galaburda & Antonio R. Damasio Reading 2: Impairment of Social and Moral Behavior Related to Early Damage in Human Prefrontal Cortex Steven W. Anderson, Antoine Bechara, Hanna Damasio, Daniel Tranel & Antonio R. Damasio PART 3 Dissociable Systems for Attention, Emotion, and Social Knowledge Reading 3: Dissociable Prefrontal Brain Systems for Attention and Emotion Hiroshi Yamasaki, Kevin S. LaBar & Gregory McCarthy Reading 4: Distinct Neural Systems Subserve Person and Object Knowledge Jason P. Mitchell, Todd F. Heatherton & C. Neil Macrae Reading 5: Functional Networks in Emotional Moral and Nonmoral Social Judgments Jorge Moll, Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza, Ivanei E. Bramati & Jordan Grafman PART 4 Dissociable Systems for Face and Object Processing Reading 6: Stages of Processing in Face Perception: An MEG Study Jia Liu, Alison Harris & Nancy Kanwisher Reading 7: Distributed and Overlapping Representations of Faces and Objects in Ventral Temporal Cortex James V. Haxby, M. Ida Gobbini, Maura L Furey, Alumit Ishai, Jennifer L. Schouten & Pietro Pietrini PART 5 Dissociable Systems for the Perception of Biological Movement Reading 8: Brain Areas Active during Visual Perception of Biological Motion Emily D. Grossman & Randolph Blake Reading 9: Electrophysiology and Brain Imaging of Biological Motion Aina Puce & David Perrett PART 6 Biological Movement: From Perception to Imitation and Emotion Reading 10: Action Observation Activates Premotor and Parietal Areas in a Somatotopic Manner: An fMRI Study G. Buccino, F. Binkofski, G.R. Fink, L. Fadiga, L. Fogassi, V. Gallese, R.J. Seitz, K. Zilles, G. Rizzolatti & H.J. Freund Reading 11: Neural Mechanisms of Empathy in Humans: A Relay from Neural Systems for Imitation to Limbic Areas Laurie Carr, Marco Iacoboni, Marie-Charlotte Dubeau, John C. Mazziotta & Gian Luigi Lenzi PART 7 Animacy, Causality, and Theory of Mind Reading 12: Movement and Mind: A Functional Imaging Study of Perception and Interpretation of Complex Intentional Movement Patterns Fulvia Castelli, Francesca Happe, Uta Frith & Chris Frith Reading 13: People Thinking about Thinking People: The Role of the Temporo-Parietal Junction in "Theory of Mind" R. Saxe & Nancy Kanwisher PART 8 Social Perception and Cognition: Multiple Routes Reading 14: Neural Correlates of the Automatic Processing of Threat Facial Signals Adam K. Anderson, Kalina Christoff, David Panitz, Eve De Rosa & John D.E. Gabrieli Reading 15: Automatic and Intentional Brain Responses during Evaluation of Trustworthiness of Faces J.S. Winston, B.A. Strange, J.O. O'Doherty & R.J. Dolan PART 9 Decision Making Reading 16: The Neural Basis of Economic Decision-Making in the Ultimatum Game Alan G. Sanfey, James K. Rilling, Jessica A. Aronson, Leigh E. Nystrom & Jonathan D. Cohen Reading 17: Exploring the Neurological Substrate of Emotional and Social Intelligence Reuven Bar-On, Daniel Tranel, Natalie L. Denburg & Antoine Bechara PART 10 Biological Does Not Mean Predetermined: Reciprocal Influences of Social and Biological Processes Reading 18: Social Dominance in Monkeys: Dopamine D2 Receptors and Cocaine Self-Administration Drake Morgan, Kathleen A. Grant, H. Donald Gage, Robert H. Mach, Jay R. Kaplan, Osric Prioleau, Susan H. Nader, Nancy Buchheimer, Richard L. Ehrenkaufer & Michael A. Nader Reading 19: Rethinking Feelings: An fMRI Study of the Cognitive Regulation of Emotion Kevin N. Ochsner, Silvia A. Bunge, James J. Gross & John D.E. Gabrieli Appendix: How to Read a Journal Article in Social Psychology Christian H. Jordan and Mark P. Zanna Author Index Subject Index
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