Conocimiento local y uso potencial tintóreo de hongos comestibles en el poniente del Estado de México

Objective: To identify traditional ecological knowledge about wild edible mushrooms that the harvesters of an indigenous community have in central Mexico, as well as their use. Design, methodology and approximation: A simple case study was carried out with a qualitative approach, from the ethnomethodological perspective. Results: Traditional Ecological Knowledge possessed by Matlatzinca mushrooms pickers are deposited in only a few people, so they run the risk of being lost in time. Limitations and implications: This research only considers the perspective of the mushrooms pickers so it is necessary to incorporate the points of view of other local and external actors with incidence in the territory. Findings and conclusions: Wild edible mushrooms pickers possess the Traditional Ecological Knowledge necessary for their harvesting and culinary uses, which contributes to the family economy, however, it is necessary to take measures to avoid the loss of such knowledge.
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