Results of living donor age of sixth decade for adult liver transplantation using a right lobe graft

Purpose: The number of available living donors per recipient is very limited, thus the use of old-aged living donor has been sometimes inevitable. Prognostic impact of donor age on the outcome of adult living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) was assessed. Methods: Study population was adult recipients of right-lobe graft LDLT from January 2009 to December 2015. There were 18 living donors with age of 50 years or older (old-donor group). For control group for comparison, donors in their twenties (young-donor group) were selected after matching with sex, model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score and primary diagnosis. Aged donors were more strictly selected than the young donors, especially for the proportion of future liver remnant ≥35% of total liver volume and minimal fatty change ( 1.0, and even complete surgical techniques of vein reconstruction (e.g. IRHV, MVH) must be considered with the status of the recipient prior to the transplantation. we suggest prudent donor selection (near 40% of remnant liver volume) to provide fully qualified partial liver graft and to ensure donor safety.
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