Detection of lead in water using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and laser-induced fluorescence.

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a well-known technique for fast, stand-off, and nondestructive analysis of the elemental composition of a sample. We have been investigating micro-LIBS for the past few years and demonstrating its application to microanalysis of surfaces. Recently, we have integrated micro-LIBS with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), and this combination, laser ablation laser-induced fluorescence (LA-LIF), allows one to achieve much higher sensitivity than traditional LIBS. In this study, we use a 170 μJ laser pulse to ablate a liquid sample in order to measure the lead content. The plasma created was re-excited by a 10 μJ laser pulse tuned to one of the lead resonant lines. Upon optimization, the 3σ limit of detection was found to be 35 ± 7 ppb, which is close to the EPA standard for the level of lead allowed in drinking water.
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