Primary and Secondary Aminophosphines as Novel P-Stereogenic Building Blocks for Ligand Synthesis†

Chiral phosphine ligands are central to asymmetric metal catalysis. The effect of the majority of these ligands arises from the chirality of their backbones; however, P-stereogenic (P*) ligands have garnered renewed interest. After the decisive work of Knowles and co-workers with PAMP and DIPAMP ligands, several efficient syntheses of all-carbon P* compounds have been reported. In contrast, P* compounds that contain heteroatoms directly linked to the phosphorus center are scarce, and have found little application in catalysis. This class of substances includes secondary phosphine oxides, which exist in equilibrium with their trivalent phosphinite form. P* aminophosphines, which are the corresponding nitrogen analogues, are even more rare, as free primary aminophosphines tend to dimerize with the evolution of ammonia. However, Kolodiazhnyi et al. have reported that borane aminophosphines of type I are stable and that they can be obtained in diastereomerically pure form using 2-phenylethylamine as a chiral amine (Scheme 1). Nonetheless, type I compounds do not have any reported applications in asymmetric catalysis, nor has their hydrogenolysis been described. We envisioned that reductive cleavage of the arylethyl fragment should provide boraneprotected primary aminophosphines of type II, which would be amenable to further transformations and become useful P* building blocks in catalysis. Herein, we report the synthesis of enantiopure P-chiral primary and secondary aminophosphines (II) and diphosphinoamines (III). We began by investigating the hydrogenolysis of the known compound 1a, which contains a tert-butyl(phenyl)phosphinamine moiety (Scheme 2), under various
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