Investigation of the Influence of Barite Retreat to the Grindability Magnesium-Containing Clinker and Cement Properties

The way of saving energy and resources in the production of magnesium-containing cements, which is the use of barite waste as an additive in the feed mixture has an effect on the grindability of clinker and mechanical properties of the cement. Found that clinker containing more than 3% MgO, has a high resistance to crushing. The use of barite in the amount of waste 2-3% (1.52-2.28% BaSO ) as an additive in feed mixture 4 can improve the grindability of the clinker. This is accompanied by a reduction in the duration of grinding raw clinker and clinker with a high content of belite phase. Shown to improve the grindability of magnesium- containing clinkers synthesized with barite waste associated with the decrease in microhardness of clinker phases. It was determined that the introduction of barite departing optimizes granulometric composition of cement, increasing the amount of fine particles (1-5 microns) and high (5-35 microns) fractions and provides a more active hydration clinker.
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