Large-diameter coiled pe pipe. Phase 1. Technical assessment of current technology. Final report, January-June 1994

The program addressed the potential of large-diameter (4-inch and larger) polyethylene (PE) coils to help U.S. gas distribution companies install plastic main more conveniently and at less cost. Standard practice in the United States today is to install plastic gas mains by fusing together straight sections of pipe. Straight pipe sections range from 20 to 40 feet long. After assembly, the sections must be allowed to cool without being disturbed, a requirement that can inconvenience traffic when long sections must be assembled. Several years ago, the British pioneered the technology of coiling PE mains into large coils that can be transported to the installation site and unrolled as needed. This eliminates the need to fuse straight sections together, increasing convenience and reducing cost by an estimated $1 per foot installed. The saving and convenience have made the use of large-diameter coiled PE mains standard practice in the United Kingdom (U.K.).
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