Біохімічні показники крові поросят за коліентеротоксемії на фоні надлишку Купруму, Феруму та Кобальту у кормах

Rationale. Colienterotoxemia is a dangerous pig disease causing significant economic losses to swine breeding. Pre-weaning and weaned piglets and weaning piglets as well are sick and die. During study of colienterotoxemiapathogenesis, it was found that the disease occurs due to factors such as stress (after piglet weaning), the presence of E.colihemolytic strains (reservation variant), the influence of suppressor factors on immunity, and an unbalanced diet of nutrients. In particular, Cuprum, Ferrum and Cobalt excesses can specifically affect animal organs and tissues resulting in the development of various pathological processes in parenchymatous organs, haematological and immune organs complicating the diagnosis of the underlying disease. All processes occurring in the body are specifically represented in the blood biochemical composition indicating the degree of endogenous intoxication, the metabolic productaccumulation stipulating the health state, and, consequently, the animal productivity. Therefore, study of biochemical blood parameters of piglets affected by colienterotoxemiasecondary toCuprum, Ferrum and Cobalt excesses in feeds is rather promising research area. Results.Significant abnormalities in the biochemical parameters of blood serum are observed in piglets at colienterotoxemia secondary to Cuprum, Ferrum and Cobalt excesses in feeds. These abnormalities are characterized by increase in total protein by 13.37% (p≤0.01), dysproteinemia (A/G ratio was decreased in 2 times (p≤0.05), enzymeactivity in serum (gamma-glutamyltranspeptidasewas increased by 32.6%, lactate dehydrogenase concentration – by 31.65%, alkaline phosphatase – by 77%, aspartate aminotransferase was – in 2.34 times, alanine aminotransferase – in 3.23 times), bilirubinemia (total bilirubin level was increased in 4.6 times, direct bilirubin –in 2.9 times, indirect bilirubin – in 6.4 times), hyperglycemia (glucose was increased by 22.85%) and hypocholesteremia (total lipids were decreased in 2 times, cholesterol – by 30 %). Specified abnormalities in the biochemical blood parameters of sick piglets occur due to E.colitoxinpathogenic action on animal body, and long-term intake of Cuprum, Ferrum and Cobalt to piglet body in amounts exceeding the physiological norm for analyzed age group. Dystrophic-and-necrotic and inflammatory (prevailing chronic) processes in the liver and kidney, myocardosis, circulatory disturbance with thrombosis complicating the course of the underlying disease occur at colienterotoxemia secondary to Cuprum, Ferrum and Cobalt excesses in piglet’s feeds.
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