False and true accessory infraorbital foramina, and the infraorbital lamina cribriformis

Summary The infraorbital nerve (ION) and artery (IOA) course in the infraorbital canal (IOC) to exit through the infraorbital foramen (IOF). Few previous studies brought evidence of accessory IOF. Evaluation of the IOF in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is more accurate to determine whether or not foramina of maxilla are supplied by canaliculi deriving from the IOC. We performed a retrospective anatomical study of the CBCT files of 200 patients. An accessory infraorbital foramen located inferior to the infraorbital margin (AIOF) was found in 18/200 right maxillae and in 13/200 left ones. Canaliculi deriving from the IOC supplied accessory foramina in the sutura notha– AIOF(SN) – in 15 maxillae. Noteworthy, the AIOF(SN)-negative maxillae displayed the SN and the vascular foramina of Macalister. In 94% of cases the AIOF were unique. A single maxilla (3%) had a double AIOF. In a different case (3%) were found three accessory infraorbital foraminules transforming the anterior wall of the antrum into a veritable lamina cribriformis infraorbitalis. A single prior study distinguished AIOF from AIOF(SN), while most of different other ones were performed on dry bones. Therefore, the reports of prevalence for the number and location of AIOF should be regarded with caution. Foramina of the SN could equally get intraosseous and extraosseous supply, this distinction being accurately made in CBCT.
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