Analysis of cool DO-type white dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 10

We report on the identification of 22 new cool DO-type white dwarfs (WDs) detected in data release 10 (DR10) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Among them, we found one more member of the so-called hot-wind DO WDs, which show ultrahigh excitation absorption lines. Our non-LTE model atmosphere analyses of these objects and two not previously analyzed hot-wind DO WDs, revealed effective temperatures and gravities in the ranges Teff = 45−80 kK and log g = 7.50−8.75. In eight of the spectra we found traces of C (0.001−0.01, by mass). Two of these are the coolest DO WDs ever discovered that still show a considerable amount of C in their atmospheres. This is in strong contradiction with diffusion calculations, and probably, similar to what is proposed for DB WDs,
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