A cognate dopamine transporter-like activity endogenously expressed in a COS-7 kidney-derived cell line1

Abstract The activity of the dopamine transporter is an important mechanism for the maintenance of normal dopaminergic homeostasis by rapidly removing dopamine from the synaptic cleft. In kidney-derived COS-7, COS-1 and HEK-293 but not in other mammalian cell lines (CHO, Y1, Ltk − ), we have characterized a putative functional dopamine transporter displaying a high affinity ( K m ∼250 nM) and a low capacity (∼0.1 pmol/10 5 cells/min) for [ 3 H]dopamine uptake. Uptake displayed a pharmacological profile clearly indicative of the neuronal dopamine transporter. Estimated K i values of numerous substrates and inhibitors for the COS-dopamine transporter and the cloned human neuronal transporter (human dopamine transporter) correlate well with the exception of a few notable compounds, including the endogenous neurotransmitter dopamine, the dopamine transporter inhibitor GBR 12,909 and the dopaminergic agonist apomorphine. As with native neuronal and cloned dopamine transporters, the uptake velocity was sodium-sensitive and reduced by phorbol ester pre-treatment. Two mRNA species of 3.8 and 4.0 kb in COS-7 cells were revealed by Northern blot analysis similar in size to that seen in native neuronal tissue. A reverse-transcribed PCR analysis confirmed the existence of a processed dopamine transporter. However, no immunoreactive proteins of expected dopamine transporter molecular size or [ 3 H]WIN 35,428 binding activity were detected. A partial cDNA of ∼1.3 kb, isolated from a COS-1 cDNA library and encoding transmembrane domains 1–6, displayed a deduced amino acid sequence homology of ∼96% to the human dopamine transporter. Taken together, the data suggest the existence of a non-neuronal endogenous high affinity dopamine uptake system sharing strong functional and molecular homology to that of the cloned neuronal dopamine transporter.
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