How Do Victims of Sexual Violence Benefit From Mutual Disclosure? An Exploratory Study of Women in South Korea:

Sexual violence victims in the Republic of Korea (henceforth, South Korea) have mutual support groups that provide a variety of programs promoting mutual disclosure between them. These programs are based upon the premise that responses within those groups are more supportive than conventional responses; however, there is no empirical evidence of mutual disclosure. The aim of the current study is to answer two research questions: (a) How do responses and outcomes of mutual disclosure compare with those of traditional disclosure? and (b) What themes describe mutual disclosure as distinguishable from a traditional one? A sample of 25 Korean sexual violence victims reported their disclosure experiences by responding to a survey and/or an in person interview. This study found that responses and outcomes of mutual disclosure were overall positive based on their similar victimized experience. The finding emphasizes a balance between a victim’s dual role as help-seeker and support provider for the benefits of mut...
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