Oral Health Related Quality of Life in a Cohort of Bank Employees of Bhopal City: A Cross-Sectional Study

Continuous evaluation of OHRQoL links the social and clinical impact indicators, thus measuring the magnitude with which health status hampers normal functions, social roles, producing major changes in behaviour. Appraisal of OHRQoL done using self-assessment method is a conscious estimation, based on individual answers to related questions. A cross-sectional study among 100 bank employees in city of Bhopal was conducted. A self-administered, pretested questionnaire was used, which incorporated 9 close ended questions. Data was analyzed using SPSS software version 23.0.The age range of the participants was 22 60 years, with a mean age of 38.3 years. Majority (44%) rated their oral health as being good. Significant number of subjects feel that dental problems affect their work (40%), sleep (42%) and social activities (54%). Dental problems cause difficulty in eating in 52% and tooth loss affects their quality of life in 22% of the bankers. The results of the present study support the hypothesis that oral health affects the quality of life. Cohort of bank employees gives us a sample of people, who are educated, employed, experience work stress, encounter social interactions and strive for a better quality of life. The results were compliant with those of study by Christopher O and FB Lawal, but differ from those by Nandita Association of factors such as social, stress, environment etc. form the basis for estimation of OHRQoL in work setups. These associations are essential in determination of the impact of oral health on quality of life and research should involve continuation evaluation of these.
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