Objetivou-se avaliar o padrao fermentativo e a bromatologia da silagem de capim- elefante cultivar Napier com as folhas de Embauba na proporcao de 50:50 aditivada com torta de semente de cupuacu, cana-de-acucar e fuba de milho em diferentes niveis. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repeticoes por tratamento. Foram testados os tratamentos (0%), (5%), (10%) e (15%) dos aditivos citados. O material foi ensilado em mini-silos de tubos de PVC por 45 dias para efetivacao do processo fermentativo. Foram avaliados pH, materia seca (MS), proteina bruta (PB), fibra em detergente neutro e acido (FDN/FDA), hemicelulose (HEM) e nutrientes digestiveis totais (NDT). O pH da torta de semente de cupuacu e do fuba de milho estao dentro da amplitude preconizada na literatura. Os aditivos proporcionaram maior percentual de MS e PB em todos os tratamentos, testando estes dentro dos limites considerados aceitaveis para um adequado processo fermentativo. FDN e FDA aumentaram linearmente a medida que aumentou a inclusao de torta de cupuacu e fuba, porem permaneceram abaixo do limite considerado limitante ao consumo voluntario dos ruminantes e a digestibilidade. Os aditivos adicionados na forragem de capim-elefante com folhas de Embauba melhoraram o valor nutritivo da silagem.Palavras-chave: composicao bromatologica, Cecropia paphytachua, ensilagem, Pennisetum purpureum. ELEPHANT GRASS SILAGE AND EMBAUBA WITH ADDED ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS IN THE WESTERN AMAZON  ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the fermentative pattern and the bromatological of the Elephant grass silage cultivar Napier with the Embauba leaf’s in the proportion of 50:50, added with of cupuassu cake seed, sugarcane and corn meal at different levels. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, with four replications per treatment. The treatments 0%, 5%, 10%) and 15% of the cited additives were tested. The ensiled material was in mini-silos of PVC pipes for 45 days to affect the fermentation process. pH, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber and acid (NDF/ FDA), hemicellulose (HEM) and total digestible nutrients (NDT) were evaluated. The pH of the cupuassu and maize meal are within the range recommended in the literature. The additives provided a higher percentage of DM and PB in all treatments, and these were within the limits considered acceptable for an adequate fermentation process. NDF and ADF increased linearly as the inclusion of cupuassu cake and corn meal increased, but remained below the limits considered limiting the voluntary consumption of ruminants and digestibility. The additives added in the elephant grass fodder with Embauba leaves improved the nutritive value of the silage.Keywords: bromatological composition, Cecropia paphytachua, ensilage, Pennisetum purpureum.
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