Model for the analysis of the pharmacotherapy in medical records

Introduction: The welfare process to the patient includes the pharmacological treatment. Exists an space for the improvement in the quality of the pharmacotherapy that the patient is receiving and to focus the situations of risk that to have happened and not for whom, it is for it that, in the National Commi- ssion of Medical Arbitration (CONAMED) It was created a model with which it is analysed the pharmacotherapy in the records of medical complaint, which allows the obtaining result for the generation of actions of improve- ment in the pharmacotherapy. Methodology: Elabora- tion of formats and instruments of work in the program Microsoft Excel 2010 that allow to evaluate and to analyse the pharmacotherapy that the patients receive. Results: It was obtained a format of compilation of data, two databases for the evaluation of the pharmaco- therapy, one for patients that grants ambulatory atten- tion and the second one is granted for the patients with hospital attention, two additional databases were created for the record of the medicines that receive both types of patients. The instruments of work went through by a process of validation by judgment experts and a test of reliability. There were performed Proce- dures Normalized of Operation (PNO) His use guaran- tees the reproducibility of the operation and increases the reliability of the results. Conclusions: The construc- ted model is an option that allows the analysis of the different problems relating to the medication of the patient, since from them arises the need to realize studies and to value the problem.
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