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P.2. Syncope, Pacemaker, CRT & ICD

WIPI stands for “World wide Identification system for Pacemakers & ICD's”. And WIPI+PLUS for WIPI and all electronic & non-electronic implantates as previously described. This system takes care of an easy way of providing all pacemaker & ICD & and other as named, data in patients. This identification is possible trough a digital micro chip. This chip works as a stand alone and is mounted in the header of the implanted device. Data can be read and write by a separate device-programmer, which is a small hand held model. The is housed in a micro-transponder. The external apparatus is taking care of the power supply of the device. The chip is separate from the pacemaker or ICD electronics. The reason for that is that WIPI can be used by all manufacturers and therefore be used a common and standard method between manufacturers. Today, programmers from company A cannot retrieve data from company B and v.v.. Therefore, most hospitals have several programmers available, sometimes 10 different models. With WIPI, only one programmer can be used for all models and all manufacturers. On top of that the unit does not consume energy in the implantate. WIPI+plus is the name for a identification system that can be used also for Neurostimulators, Stomic/ Colon stimulator, Oesophagus stimulator, anal stimulators, orthopedic implantates, ear apparatus. In vitro tests of 5 pacemakers and 5 ICD's show normal interrogation and programming of data into the microchip after mounting into the header. It is concluded that the use of limited data trough a microchip as mounted into the PM or ICD header works and shows promising advantages for future pacemaker or ICD design.
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