Benign stenoses of bilioenteric anastomoses: treatment by single-session balloon dilatation; Estenosis benignas de anstomosis biliodigestivas: tratamiento mediante dilatacion con balon en una sesion unica

Percutaneous treatment of stenoses of bilioenteric anastomoses by means of balloon dilation is a good alternative to surgery. A number of different authors have proposed protocols for percutaneous management. They vary in terms of the number of times the procedure must be performed and the length of time that the balloon should remains inflated, whether or not drainage is necessary and if used the length of time is should remain in place. In the attempt to increase the efficacy of this technique and minimize the accompanying pain, most authors perform several sessions of dilatation over 7 to 14 days, generally employing analgesia and sedation. Two groups have recently reported a protocol for dilatation in a single session under general anesthesia. We present four cases (out of a series of eight) of benign stenosis of a bilioenteric anastomosis that required only one session of balloon dilatation for successful results, without general anesthesia. The mean follow-up time is 3.3 years (range: 2.3 to 5 years). We conclude that this technique is effective, although it can not be employed in all cases. (Author) 11 refs.
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