Baking Properties and Microstructure of Yeast-Raised Breads Containing Wheat Bran: Carrageenan Blends or Laminates

Breads prepared using a commercial prototype sponge-and·dough formulation with no added gluten and containing white whea t bran:carrageenan blends o r white wheat bran :carragcenan laminates (I 0% by weight nour replacement) had acceptable loaf volumes and crumb grain scores. Doughs con taining white wheat bran:carragccnan blends had a hi gher water absorption and longer mi xing time than doughs con taining wheat bran: carragecnan laminates wi th the sa me quantity of carrageenan . The addi tion of carrageenan to doughs resu lted in a hi gher wate r absorpti on va lue compared to the dough s contai ning wheat bran only. Breads made wi th wheat bran:carragccnan ( 10 % nou r repl acement) had enhanced loaf volume and improved crumb gra in score com pared to breads with com parable quantities of wheat bran. Scanni ng electron micrographs of the breads con ta ining 10% flour replacement of the wheat bran :carrageenan blends or laminates may indicate that perforations of the gluten and gelatinized starch matrix in the wheat bran bread s containing the ca rrageenan may be more uniform , and the perforations sma ller than in breads contai ning untreated wheat bran at the same flour replacement
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