Evaluation of E-learning Activity Effectiveness in Higher Education Through Sentiment Analysis by Using Naïve Bayes Classifier

Sentiment analysis as part of text mining research domain has been being recognized due to the successful implementation in social media analysis. Sentiment analysis methods had intelligent ability to classify texts into negative or positive. Classified texts concluded whole users respond and described opinion polarity about particular topic. Based on this idea, this research took e-learning’s users opinion as object to be measured through sentiment analysis. The results can be used to evaluate the e-learning activity. This research had been implemented in Widyatama University which had been running e-learning activity for several years. Qualitative method by given questioner to users and gather the feedback is commonly used as evaluation of e-learning system previously. Still, questioner doesn’t represent the conclusion about the whole opinion. Hence, it needs the method to identify opinion polarity from e-learning member. The e-learning opinion data sets were gathered from questioner filled by e-learning member included both student and lecturer as participants. The participants gave review about learning outcome after their participation in e-learning activity. Their opinion was needed to describe current situation about e-learning activity. Therefore, the conclusion could be used to make improvement and described few achievements about the e-learning system. The data sets trained by Naive Bayes classifier to group each user respond into negative or positive. The classification results were also evaluated by a number of particular evaluation metric used in data mining to show the classifier performance such as accuracy, precision, and recall.
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