Towards Recovery of Conditional Vectors from Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

A conditional Generative Adversarial Network allows for generating samples conditioned on certain external information. Being able to recover latent and conditional vectors from a condi- tional GAN can be potentially valuable in various applications, ranging from image manipulation for entertaining purposes to diagnosis of the neural networks for security purposes. In this work, we show that it is possible to recover both latent and conditional vectors from generated images given the generator of a conditional generative adversarial network. Such a recovery is not trivial due to the often multi-layered non-linearity of deep neural networks. Furthermore, the effect of such recovery applied on real natural images are investigated. We discovered that there exists a gap between the recovery performance on generated and real images, which we believe comes from the difference between generated data distribution and real data distribution. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the recovered conditional vectors and the reconstructed images from these recovered vectors quantitatively and qualitatively, showing promising results.
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