Implantação de um centro na área das violências doméstica e sexual em Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, 2009-2012

to describe the experience of implementing a Domestic and Sexual Violence Care and Research Center (Capevi) in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009-2012. METHODS: Municipal Health, Family and Social Services Department technical chambers were convened to guide the Center's implantation 2010, with the aim of reorganizing the urgency and emergency care network and unifying the domestic and sexual violence notification instrument on the Violence Notification System (Sinov)and on the Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sinan). RESULTS: after the implementation of the Center notifications on the two Systems increased around 2000%; notifications of violence that incresed the most were physical (from 14 to 435), psychological/moral (from 4 to 338), torture (from 3 to 61) and domestic violence (from 17 to 200). CONCLUSION: the implementation of the Center allowed the city's network to combat violence to be resized and this impacted on increased reporting.
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