Short- and long-term responses and recovery of mussels Mytilus edulis exposed to heavy fuel oil no. 6 and styrene

Biomarkers have the potential to be used to assess the impact of anthropogenic discharges in marine waters. We have used a suite of biomarkers spanning from enzymatic to histopathological alterations and general stress responses to assess the short- and long-term impact on mussels Mytilus edulis of heavy fuel oil no. 6 and styrene. Mussels were exposed for 5 months, with a refilling of the exposure system, to a water soluble fraction of heavy fuel and, then, kept for a month in clean water for recovery. In a second experiment, mussels were exposed to styrene for 19 days and maintained in clean water for up to 4 months. Chemical body tissue levels reflected the weathering processes of these compounds. Acyl- CoA oxidase activity was induced in oil-exposed mussels after refilling, whereas styrene inhibited it after 19 days of exposure and after 2 weeks in clean water. Gamete development and alkali-labile phosphate levels suggest that neither oil nor styrene behaved as endocrine disruptors. Neutral red retention time was lower in treated groups than in controls. Lysosomal membrane stability was significantly reduced in exposed groups and recovered after withdrawal of oil but not after removal of styrene. Neither oil nor styrene exposure affected the condition index except for the reduction seen in mussels exposed to oil for 1 month. Biomarker response index dis- criminated exposed mussels, which showed higher values, and returned to control levels after recovery. Results obtained from these pilot experiments can help to identify relevant monitoring tools to assess the impact of oil and chemicals in marine spill scenarios.
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