Laccaria bicolor MiSSP8 is a small‐secreted protein decisive for the establishment of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis

This research was sponsored by the Genomic Science Pro-gram, US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biologi-cal and Environmental Research as part of the Plant-Microbe Interfaces Scientific Focus Area ( the Laboratory of Excellence ARBRE (grant no. ANR-11-LABX-0002_ARBRE). The research was supported bythe Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique and theUniversity of Lorraine (Ph.D. scholarship to CP and YD). BothRegion Lorraine Research council and the European Fund forRegional Development give funding for the Functional GenomicsFacilities at Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique-GrandEst. Part of the work was supported by LaboratoireRecherche Sciences Vegetales - UPS CNRS, MetaToul(Metabolomics and Fluxomics Facitilies, Toulouse, France, and the French National infrastructure for met-abolomics andfluxomics,, MetaboHUB-ANR-11-INBS-0010. JR was an AgreenSkills Marie SklodowskaCurie postdoctoral fellow co-funded by the European Commis-sion (FP7-267196). We thank Barbara Montanini and SimoneOttonello for sharing the pSUC-modified vectors. We thankAlexandre Kriznik from the Platform of Biophysics and StructuralBiology-UMS 2008 IBSLor (CNRS-INSERM-UL) for his technicalassistance in circular dichroism and isothermal calorimetry exper-iments. Funding to A.P. and M.K. was provided by grants fromUniversidad Nacional de Quilmes, Consejo Nacional deInvestigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas and Agencia Nacionalde Promocion Cientifica y Tecnologica, Argentina.
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