Canceled DOD Programs: DOD Needs to Better Use Available Guidance and Manage Reusable Assets

Abstract : In the face of increasing budgetary pressures, it is important that DOD continue to find ways to manage its portfolio of major defense acquisition programs (MDAP) more efficiently. In 2008, GAO concluded that program cancellations can be a valuable portfolio management tool, and found that DOD can take various steps to retain value from the work completed. The Senate report accompanying the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013 mandated GAO to review issues associated with cancellations of MDAPs. This report assesses (1) the effects of program cancellation, (2) the adequacy of DOD guidance on program cancellations, (3) the extent to which DOD leveraged or transferred to other programs various types of assets from canceled programs, and (4) the usefulness of contract termination cost estimates. To do this work, GAO reviewed the cancellation of five major DOD programs from across the military services; interviewed officials at the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the military services, and others; and reviewed current guidance related to program cancellation. GAO recommends that DOD direct program officials to refer to Smart Shutdown guidance and to provide lessons learned, and that DOD develop department-wide processes to improve tracking and dissemination of information about assets available. DOD partially concurred with these recommendations, but stated use of and contribution to Smart Shutdown should be encouraged rather than directed. GAO maintains direction would be more effective.
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