EPR spectra of copper(II) chloride crystal solvates

Hydrated copper(II) chloride CuCI2" 2H20 is a c lass ica l substance used in exper iments on the ant i fer romagnet ic state. As a r e su l t of i ts an t i fe r romagne t i sm at low tempera tures CuC12" 2H20 has been studied frequently [1-3]. The s t ruc ture of the unit cell of this compound is well known [4]. The effect of the water of c rys ta l l iza t ion and the degree of hydrat ion on the tempera ture of the antfferromaguet ic t rans i t ion is d iscussed in [5] for a number of mate r i a l s . It is therefore of in te res t to study the s t ruc tura l proper t ies of CuCI2" nL compounds, where L is the solvate ligand and n is the number of solvate molecules in the immedia te vicini ty of the Cu z+ ion.
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