Mating in Heliothis virescens: transfer of juvenile hormone during copulation by male to female and stimulation of biosynthesis of endogenous juvenile hormone.

: Studies were undertaken to determine whether adult males of Heliothis virescens transfer juvenile hormone (JH) to females during copulation, and an in vitro radiochemical assay was used to determine whether mating causes an allatotropic effect, i.e., stimulation of JH biosynthesis by corpora allata (CA). In vitro, CA from 3-day-old mated females synthesized and released approximately 2.5 times total JH as that of CA from comparably aged virgin females. Of the homologues, JH II exhibited significant increase in mated females; JH I also increased but not significantly. JH III remained similar to that of virgin females. This is the first demonstration of an allatotropic effect of mating in moths. In contrast to the female, CA of virgin males did not produce any JH, but accessory sex glands (ASG) in 3-day-old males synthesized small amounts of JH. Immediately after adult emergence, male ASG contained approximately 1.5 ng JH I and II, which increased by 12 h after emergence and remained at this high level up to 54 h after emergence. JH III was barely detected in ASG. JH in ASG of mated male immediately after uncoupling was depleted almost completely, and 24 h later recovered to levels comparable to that of 54-h-old virgin male. Virgin female bursa copulatrix did not contain any JH, but mated female bursa, immediately after uncoupling, had JH at levels comparable to that observed in virgin male ASG. By 6 h after uncoupling, JH levels decreased dramatically in mated female bursa. These data suggest the transfer of JH to females by the male.
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