Stigande havsnivåer i den fysiska planeringen - en studie om hur Karlskrona kommun förhåller sig till långsiktig hållbar planering

This essay describes the global climate changes in the form of rising sea levels, which are problematized based on how its consequences may affect the physical planning in coastal areas and also problematize the difficulties regarding implementation of adaptation strategies. The thesis aims to answer the research questions Which of the sustainability aspects does the municipality work more / less actively with? How are the conflicts dealt with between the three sustainability dimensions in the municipality's planning? Which adaption strategy is implemented in Karlskrona municipality /will be applied in the physical planning? This has thus been done through a case study of Karlskrona municipality in order to examine the municipality's continued work and future challenges regarding adaptation strategies in the physical planning towards rising sea levels. The focus of the thesis lies on the municipality´s southern parts by the coast and thus investigate how the municipality's planning opposes the three sustainability dimensions of ecological, social and economic sustainability. By the use of the theories Fainstein and Campbells (2012) Planner's triangle and Building Futures and the Institution of Civil Engineer's (2010) adaptation strategies one could answer the set of research questions. Furthermore, the material has been analyzed and explained as to which aspect of sustainability the municipality prioritizes, which conflicts in planner’s triangle are manifested in the municipality and finally which adaption strategy the municipality uses in the continued work on rising sea levels. The study finds that the municipality uses two adaption strategies- to some extent in the planning of rising sea levels. In order to achieve a successful adaption, it is necessary that the three adaption strategies are intertwined. The municipality's conflicts are also manifested and treated in different ways, since the municipality's priorities of the three sustainability dimensions differ in the municipal planning. Thus, one can conclude that it is essential that the municipality prioritizes all aspects of sustainability to achieve a long-term sustainable planning. (Less)
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