XI. Yeast sequencing reports. Sequencing of a 13·2 kb segment next to the left telomere of yeast chromosome XI revealed five open reading frames and recent recombination events with the right arms of chromosomes III and V

We report the entire sequence of a 13·2 kb segment next to the left telomere of chromosome XI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A 1·2 kb fragment near one end is 91% homologous to the right arm of chromosome III and 0·7 kb of that are 77% homologous to the right arm of chromosome V. Five open reading frames are included in the sequenced segment. Two of them are almost identical to the known YCR104W and YCR103C hypothetical proteins of chromosome III. A third one contains a region homologous to the Zn (2)-Cys (6) binuclear cluster pattern of fungal transcriptional activators. The fourth one, part of which is similar to the mammalian putative transporter of mevalonate, has the structure of membrane transporters. The fifth one is similar to yeast ferric reductase. The sequence has been deposited in the EMBL data library under Accession Number X75950.
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