Genetic mapping and genomic selection for maize stalk strength.

Maize is one of the most important staple crops and is widely grown throughout the world. Stalk lodging can cause enormous yield losses in maize production. However, rind penetrometer resistance (RPR), which is recognized as a reliable measurement to evaluate stalk strength, has been shown to be efficient and useful for improving stalk lodging-resistance. Linkage mapping is an acknowledged approach for exploring the genetic architecture of target traits. In addition, genomic selection (GS) using whole genome markers enhances selection efficiency for genetically complex traits. In the present study, two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations were utilized to dissect the genetic basis of RPR, which was evaluated in seven growth stages. The optimal stages to measure stalk strength are the silking phase and stages after silking. A total of 66 and 45 quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified in each RIL population. Several potential candidate genes were predicted according to the maize gene annotation database and were closely associated with the biosynthesis of cell wall components. Moreover, analysis of gene ontology (GO) enrichment and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway further indicated that genes related to cell wall formation were involved in the determination of RPR. In addition, a multivariate model of genomic selection efficiently improved the prediction accuracy relative to a univariate model and a model considering RPR-relevant loci as fixed effects. The genetic architecture of RPR is highly genetically complex. Multiple minor effect QTL are jointly involved in controlling phenotypic variation in RPR. Several pleiotropic QTL identified in multiple stages may contain reliable genes and can be used to develop functional markers for improving the selection efficiency of stalk strength. The application of genomic selection to RPR may be a promising approach to accelerate breeding process for improving stalk strength and enhancing lodging-resistance.
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