Constraints perceived by the tribal dairy farmers of Ranchi, Jharkhand in animal health care and management practices

The present study was undertaken purposively in Ranchi district of Jharkhand to identify and prioritize the constraints faced by tribal dairy farmers in adopting improved animal healthcare and management practices. Three blocks and, two villages from each block were selected at random. From each village 30 tribal respondents were selected randomly, constituting a total number of 180 respondents. The tribal respondents having atleast one milch animal were selected. For the purpose of prioritizing the constraints Garretranking technique has been used.The results of the study revealed that "lack of fodder and scarcity of clean drinking water" was the most important perceived constraint followed by "lack of knowledge about disease and improved dairy farming practices". In addition "distant location of Veterinary hospital and non availability of staff" was perceived as the third most important constraint in maintaining animal health. The study found that the suitable policy interventions on part of Government are need of the hour to redress the condition of the poor and backward tribal dairy farmers. Further the concerned KVK's and agriculture and veterinary university should take the coordinated efforts for increasing the awareness about scientific dairy farming consequently improving the knowledge and adoption of the tribal farmers about improved farming practices.
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