Radiative interactions between new non-Abelian gauge sector and the standard model

Abstract We discuss one loop generation of the term connecting gauge fields from a local hidden S U ( 2 ) H and the standard model U ( 1 ) Y introducing an S U ( 2 ) H doublet fermion with non-zero hypercharge and a scalar field in adjoint representation. Then we obtain a kinetic mixing term between S U ( 2 ) H and U ( 1 ) Y gauge fields after the adjoint scalar field developing vacuum expectation value. We illustrate such a concrete scenario introducing a dark matter model in an ultraviolet (UV) completion with local S U ( 2 ) H symmetry where the scalar doublet is our dark matter candidate and its stability is guaranteed by remnant Z 2 symmetry from S U ( 2 ) H . Relic density of dark matter is calculated focusing on the case in which dark matter annihilate into known particles via S U ( 2 ) H gauge interactions with radiatively induced kinetic mixing.
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