Extraovarian Brenner tumor in the uterus: a case report and review of literature.

BACKGROUND: Extraovarian Brenner tumors (EOBTs) are extremely rare and can be observed incidentally in both female and male patients, raising concerns regarding the origin of Brenner tumors. CASE PRESENTATION: A 53-year-old postmenopausal woman presented with a nodular lesion in the left side of the corpus uteri, which was found at a routine health check. Macroscopically, the lesion appeared as a solid nodule with a yellowish-gray cut surface, approximately 6 cm in greatest diameter. Microscopically, the lesion consisted of well-defined epithelial nests and spindled stromal cells. Parenchymal cells expressed CK7, GATA3, CK5/6, 34betaE12, and p63. A single layer of cavity-lined cells with umbrella-like shape showed apical Uroplakin III positivity. Stromal cells were positive for SMA, ER, and PR. The final diagnosis was EOBT and the patient was followed for 2 months with no recurrence. CONCLUSIONS: We report here the third case of EOBTs in the uterus. The combination of morphologic and immunohistochemical results supported the involvement of urothelial metaplasia in the development of EOBTs. The similarities between EOBTs and Walthard nests made Mullerian epithelium an attractive candidate as the cellular origin. Changes of tissue structure or sex hormones imbalance may lead to the translocation of Mullerian remnants to distant organs, explaining the pathogenesis of EOBTs.
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