Using an ovarian monitor as an adjunct to natural family planning.

Congratulations to Ms. Carmela Cavero CNM MS FACNM for her cutting-edge nursing research "Using an Ovarian Monitor as an Adjunct to Natural Family Planning" (May/June 1995 Journal of Nurse-Midwifery). I am a nurse researcher in adult health nursing and had assumed incorrectly for years that natural family planning (NFP) was synonymous with the rhythm method. Three years ago when I took a three-session class at St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore I was amazed at the scientific basis for NFP or ovulation prediction. I did a quick MEDLINE search that revealed multiple supportive studies in peer-reviewed medical and public health journals. The only nursing research I found was that of Dr. Richard Fehring at Marquette University and now that of Ms. Cavero. Being able to predict and detect ovulation would be of great value to women who 1) would like to space or limit the number of children but cannot accept contraception for religious reasons 2) are over 35 are smokers or have a family history of stroke and have been advised not to use the pill or 3) are experiencing infertility and would like to time coitus to maximize the chances of achieving pregnancy. Nurse-midwives and others in advanced practice nursing are in the ideal position to teach NFP and to conduct NFP research. My thanks to Ms. Cavero for her significant contribution to the nursing literature. (full text)
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