First on-beam tests of the FARCOS frontend electronics

FARCOS (Femtoscope ARray for Correlation and Spectroscopy) is a novel modular detection system featuring high angular and energy resolution able to reconstruct the particle’s momentum at high precision and capable of performing correlation measurements of Light Charged Particles (LCPs) and of LCPs and Intermediate Mass Fragments (IMFs). Given the unique feature of FARCOS of aiming at the identification in charge and mass even the fragments that are fully absorbed in the first Si layer, the frontend electronics must meet stringent requirements in terms of dynamic range and integral-nonlinearity. To this aim we designed and qualified a VLSI frontend able to readout signals of both polarities and suitable to be coupled with both the DSSSD and the photodiodes reading the scintillation light. During February 2017 for the first time the performance of a workhorse of the FARCOS telescope equipped with the designed VLSI frontend electronics has been experimentally qualified in a test beam at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (LNS) of INFN in Catania. The $^{\bf 16}$ O beam at 88 MeV accelerated by the Tandem accelerator has been used impinging on different targets (LiF, Au, C, Ni). This contribution focuses on the results of the test beam, highlighting the performance of the designed frontend electronics when coupled with the different detection stages of the FARCOS telescopes.
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