El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la relacion entre la modalidad de presentacion de un texto expositivo y su comprension. Se presento un articulo de divulgacion cientifica a estudiantes universitarios en las modalidades oral-escrita(simultaneamente), oral y escrita. Se comparo el recuerdo de enunciados entre estas modalidades y se encontro un mayor recuerdo de la modalidad simultanea por sobre las demas (entre las cuales no se encontraron diferencias significativas). Es decir, el disponer de la transcripcion del material mientras se lo escucha (en el caso de los textos expositivos) parece ofrecer ventajas tales como la posibilidad de re-leer palabras que fueron oidas pero no comprendidas o incluso segmentos enteros, facilitando la construccion de una representacion coherente del discurso. Esta representacion incluye informacion no verbal (como el tono y volumen en el que son pronunciados los enunciados) que parece contribuir a un mayor recuerdo del material posteriormente, por sobre las modalidades unicamente oral o escrita. En consecuencia, podemos pensar que para facilitar el aprendizaje, seria util proveer a los estudiantes de una version escrita de la informacion brindada por docentes en forma oral durante las clases. Palabras clave Comprension, Escucha, Lectura, Texto expositivo Abstract THE EFFECT OF THE SIMULTANEOUS ORAL-WRITTEN PRESENTATION OF DISCOURSE IN THE COMPREHENSION OF EXPOSITORY MATERIALS The goal of this study was to examine the effect of the modality of presentation of expository discourse in its comprehension. A Science Education article was presented to undergraduate students in simultaneous written-oral, oral or written modalities. Recall of statements that were part of the original article were measured, and results indicated that students in the simultaneous written-oral modality recalled more than students in the written or oral only modalities (there was no difference between these two modalities). In other words, being able to read the transcript of the material that is being listened to appears to offer some advantages such as the possibility of re-reading words that were listened to but not understood, facilitating the construction of a coherent representation of discourse. This representation includes non-verbal information (such as the tone or volume of the statement), which allows for statements to be better recalled than when they are presented in a single modality. In consequence, if we want to facilitate learning, it can be useful to allow students to have access to the written version of the information that teachers deliver in oral format. Key words Comprehension, Listening, Reading, Expository texts
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