Socialização do consumidor na vida adulta: desafios e caminhos para a pesquisa

Consumer socialization is a central subject to the field of consumption studies, since all consumption is learned. Previous research primarily related the phenomenon to the formation of children and adolescents to function as consumers, with studies grounded in positivism. This article is positioned in the tradition of the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) research and is inspired by the search for new theoretical and methodological alternatives for consumer socialization in adult life. Thus, we first present a brief review of the research on consumer socialization, reflecting on its ontological contours and challenges. Next, the assemblage theory and the life course perspective are presented. The combination of these theoretical lenses has enabled the construction of an integrative conceptual framework that seeks to offer greater dynamism to the investigation of consumer socialization. Finally, we discuss the contributions of the conceptual framework and suggest methodological strategies to handle new challenges posed by research in the area.
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