New timing measurement results of 16 pulsars.

Pulsar's position, proper motion and parallax are important parameters in timing equations. It is a really challenging work to fit astrometric parameters accurately through pulsar timing, especially for pulsars that show irregular timing properties. As the fast development of related techniques, it is possible to measure astrometric parameters of more and more pulsars in a model$\textrm{-}$independent manner with the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). In this work, we select 16 normal pulsars, whose parallax and proper motion have not been successfully fitted with timing observations or show obvious differences with corresponding latest VLBI solutions, and do further studies on their timing properties. After updating astrometric parameters in pulsar ephemerides with the latest VLBI measurements, we derive the latest rotation solutions of these pulsars with observation data at S and C$\textrm{-}$band obtained from the Shanghai Tian Ma Radio Telescope (TMRT). Compared with spin frequency $\nu$ inferred from previous rotation solutions, the newly$\textrm{-}$fitted $\nu$ show differences larger than 10$^{-9}$ Hz for most pulsars. The contribution of the Shklovsky effect to period derivative $\dot{P}$ can be properly removed taking advantages of accurate proper motion and distance of target pulsars measured by VLBI astrometry. This further leads to a precise estimate of intrinsic characteristic age $\tau_{\rm c}$. Differences between the newly$\textrm{-}$measured $\tau_{\rm c}$ and corresponding previous results are as large as 2% for some pulsars. VLBI astrometric parameter solutions also lead to better measurements of timing irregularities. For PSR B0154$+$61, the glitch epoch (MJD 58279.5) measured with previous ephemeris is about 13 d later than the result (MJD 58266.4) obtained with VLBI astrometric parameter solutions.
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