Ideologi Politik Dalam Novel Seteru 1 Guru Karya Haris Priyatna: Tinjauan Sosiologi Sastra Dan Implementasinya Dalam Pembelajaran Sastra Di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)

This research aims to, (1) describes the building structure of the novel Seteru 1 Guru by Haris Priyatna, (2) describes the political ideology contained in the novel Seteru 1 Guru by Haris Priyatna, (3) describes the implementation of the research result of novel Seteru 1 Guru by Haris Priyatna on the literature learning in Senior High School. The method that used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research data in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and discourses in the novel Seteru 1 Guru. The primary data source is novel Seteru 1 Guru by Haris Priyatna, and the secondary data source is obtained from the articles that relevant to this research object and the Bung Karno’s book: Biografi Putra Sang Fajar by Johar T.H. Situmorsang. The collecting data technique that used in this researh are library technique, refer and record technique, and interviews. The data validation technique that used is triangulation theory. The data analysis technique used dialectical method. This research produce three results, (1) the structure that builds the novel Seteru 1 Guru include to, the theme that raised by novel Seteru 1 Guru are the history of the birth of three political ideologies from three students of Tjokroaminoto. The character of this novel are Soekarno, Tjokroaminoto, Musso, Kartosoewirjo, Harun, and Mbok Tambeng. The plot that used in this novel are mixed plot and has two positions of conflict escalation. This novel has three settings, the place settings are Yogyakarta, Mojokerto, and Surabaya. The time settings occured around 35 years, that is 1915-1950 from Soekarno studied at HBS until he became a president and then opposed by his best friend. (2) The ideologies that contained in this novel are (a) ideology of communist, that divided into two, first is Leninism-Marxism, communism, and Trotskysm (b) ideology of nationalism, (c) ideology of Islamism. (3) the research can be implemented as literature learning refer to Education Unit Level Curriculum in Senior High School grade XI semester 2 in SK 15 KD 15.1 and 15.2 and approprite with literature learning materials.
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