Novel method for the electroless metallization of polyimide: surface oxidation of Zintl anions. [Zintl anion Snq/sup 4 -/]

The techniques described here are general and should allow the preparation of a large number of novel surface-modified materials. Several methods for the chemical metallization of certain reducible organic polymers, particularly polyimide, are described. These methods depend on the very strong reducing power of the Zintl anions. Main group films can be prepared easily by treating the polymer with a solution of a Zintl anion. The main group deposition was shown to proceed by a substrate reduction/intercalation-deposition mechanism. Transition metal films can be prepared by the reaction of the appropriate metal cation with unmetallized, reduced, intercalated polyimide, K/sub x/ PIm. Finally, unique bimetallic surfaces can be prepared by a combination of these methods using the polymer first as an oxidant, then a reductant. The general reactions types described here also occur with many other substrates besides organic polymers. 11 figures.
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