Use and selection of bone fragments in the north of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Palaeolithic: bone retouchers from level 4 of Prado Vargas (Burgos, Spain)

Bone specimens showing a large amount of markings that include scratching, cutting, and fracture provide us with a clear idea of the use of animals from an archaeological site for butchery-related work. Nevertheless, there is one type of damage that stands out from the rest—the stigmas associated with retouch work. There is a great deal of evidence concerning the use of bones by Neanderthal groups as retouchers. In particular, we present a sample of 65 retouchers from the level 4 of Prado Vargas (Burgos, Spain). This level has yielded an important assemblage of retouchers; however, very few retouched tools have been retrieved, a fact that has led us to consider their peculiarity. Through this investigation, we seek to explore the question as to how the inhabitants of Prado Vargas used bone retouchers during the Middle Palaeolithic.
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