O tratamento de agua para consumo humano tem evoluido nos ultimos anos em decorrencia da necessidade de eliminar poluentes fisico-quimicos e biologicos causados pela acao antropica. A possibilidade de contrair doencas pela agua ja e, ha muito tempo, sabida pelo homem. A agua potavel deve estar isenta de microrganismos patogenicos e a eliminacao ou inativacao desses microrganismos e conhecida como desinfeccao. Atualmente existem diferentes metodos de desinfeccao de agua. O mais utilizado e o desinfetante quimico cloro (Cl2). Alguns agentes fisicos tambem podem ser utilizados na desinfeccao de aguas, como a radiacao ultravioleta (UV) atraves de reator especifico que possui acoplado em seu interior uma lâmpada UV. O objetivo deste trabalho foi, atraves de planejamentos experimentais, variando-se a concentracao do microrganismo ( Escherichia coli ou Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) e o tempo de exposicao a radiacao UV, conhecer qual a melhor condicao para obter-se maior inativacao dos microrganismos em um reator de 2,5L operando com uma lâmpada UV de 30W. A maior inativacao, 99,96%, foi obtida com amostra contendo 0,01g/L de celulas de Escherichia coli irradiadas durante 60s por UV. Para Saccharomyces cerevisiae a maior eficiencia de inativacao de 99,76% foi obtida, quando amostras de 0,01g/L de celulas foram tratadas durante 60s por radiacao UV. Palavras-chave: inativacao; Escherichia coli; Saccharomyces cerevisiae ABSTRACT Evaluation of the disinfection of water by reactor using ultraviolet radiation. The treatment of drinking water has evolved in recent years due to the need to eliminate physical, chemical and biological pollutants caused by human action. The possibility of contracting diseases by water has been known for a long time. Drinking water should be free of pathogenic microorganisms and the elimination or inactivation of microorganisms is known as disinfection. Currently there are different methods of disinfecting water. The most used is the chemical disinfectant chlorine (Cl2). Some physical agents can also be used for the disinfection of water, such as ultraviolet radiation (UV) through a special reactor that has attached to its inside a UV lamp. This experimental study was developed, aiming to, varying the concentration of microorganisms ( Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) and time of exposure to UV radiation, knowing the best condition to obtain the highest inactivation of microorganisms in a reactor of 2.5L operating with a 30W UV lamp. The highest inactivation, 99.96%, was obtained using a sample containing 0.01g.L-1 of Escherichia coli cells irradiated during 60s by UV radiation. For Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the greatest efficiency of inactivation of 99.76% was obtained when samples of 0.01g.L-1 cells 60s were treated by UV radiation. Key words: inactivation, Escherichia coli , Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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