Shock heterogeneity and shock history of the recently found ordinary Csátalja chondrite in Hungary

Shock impact-produced mineral alterations in two thin sections of the recently found Csatalja H4 ordinary chondrite meteorite are compared. Peak positions of Raman and infrared spectra of mineral clasts show peaks shifted in wavenumber relative to unshocked reference minerals, and both peak shifts and FWHM values seem to correlate to each other. In the less shocked thin section (Csatalja-1) a more monomineralic and homogeneous composition indicate shock pressures of <15 GPa, while the more shocked Csatalja-2 indicates shock pressure in the 15–17 GPa range. The highest identified infrared peak position shifts range between –48 and +28 cm–1 with peak broadening between 60–84 cm–1 in the case of the feldspars, which, together with sulphide globules, were produced by the shock itself. Feldspar spectra could be detected only by FTIR spectroscopy, but in most cases (above the S3 shock level) the mixed type of the pyroxene-feldspar spectra (both peaks in the same spectra) is in agreement with the shock-produced secondary feldspars. These grains are located around crystalline borders, and probably formed by selective melting, due to shock annealing. In reconstruction of the shock history, an early fragmentation by a lower shock effect and a later increased shock level-related vein and melt pocket formation occurred, with subsequent shock annealing; temporal reconstruction of the shock event is possible only in part. The joint usage of Raman and infrared spectroscopy provided useful insights into the shock-produced changes and their spatial inhomogeneity, while shocked feldspar could be better detected by infrared than by the Raman method.
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