Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - Guidelines*

The Diabetes In Pregnancy Study group India (DIPSI) is reporting practice guidelines for GDM in the Indian environment. Due to high prevalence, screening is essential for all Indian pregnant women. DIPSI recommends that as a pregnant woman walks into the antenatal clinic in the fasting state, she has to be given a 75g oral glucose load and at 2 hrs a venous blood sample is collected for estimating plasma glucose. This one step procedure of challenging women with 75 gm glucose and diagnosing GDM is simple, economical and feasible. Screening is recommended between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation and the diagnostic criteria of ADA are applicable. A team approach is ideal for managing women with GDM. The team would usually comprise an obstetrician, diabetes physician, a diabetes educator, dietitian, midwife and pediatrician. Intensive monitoring, diet and insulin is the corner stone of GDM management. Oral agents or analogues though used are still controversial. Until there is evidence to absolutely prove that ignoring maternal hyperglycemia when the fetal growth patterns appear normal on the ultrasonogram, it is prudent to achieve and maintain normoglycemia in every pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes. The maternal health and fetal outcome depends upon the care by the committed team of diabetologists, obstetricians and neonatologists. A short term intensive care gives a long term pay off in the primary prevention of obesity, IGT and diabetes in the offspring, as the preventive medicine starts before birth. ©
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