[Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK) for an old age male with type 2 diabetes complicated with end-stage renal disease (ESRD): a case report].

We reported the first case of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK) in our hospital. The recipient is a 65 year old male, who suffered type 2 diabetes for 15 years and renal dysfunction for 5 years and other diabetic complications such as retinopathy, peripheral neuropathy. SPK was performed successfully for him in March, 2007, in which the donor kidney was put in left iliac fossa, while the donor pancreas grafted to set in right iliac fossa of recipient, with pancreas exocrine drainage controlled by anastomosis to the small bowel and endocrine release done to the circulatory system. Serum C-peptide, Creatinine and Blood urea nitrogen became normal levels at day 1,4 and 11 of post-operation respectively. The concentration of blood glucose was stabilized gradually to normal level and therefore the injected insulin was stopped using to the patient at day 16 of post-operative days. OGTT test showed the function of grafted pancreas was normal 3 weeks after transplant, and no transplantation-related complications occurred. With the recipient followed up for 6 months, both his blood glucose level and renal function maintained normal without using injected insulin, and he was getting to recover from other diabetic complications also.
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