Bereziskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the Weyl system \ce{PtBi2}.

Symmetry breaking in topological matter became, in the last decade, a key concept in condensed matter physics to unveil novel electronic states. In this work, we reveal that broken inversion symmetry and strong spin-orbit coupling in trigonal \ce{PtBi2} lead to a Weyl semimetal band structure, with unusually robust two-dimensional superconductivity in thin fims. Transport measurements show that high-quality \ce{PtBi2} crystals are three-dimensional superconductors ($T_\text{c}\simeq $600~mK) with an isotropic critical field ($B_\text{c}\simeq $50~mT). Remarkably, we evidence in a rather thick flake (60~nm), exfoliated from a macroscopic crystal, the two-dimensional nature of the superconducting state, with a critical temperature $T_\text{c}\simeq 370$~mK and highly-anisotropic critical fields. Our results reveal a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition with $T_\text{BKT}\simeq 310$~mK and with a broadening of Tc due to inhomogenities in the sample. Due to the very long superconducting coherence length $\xi$ in \ce{PtBi2}, the vortex-antivortex pairing mechanism can be studied in unusually-thick samples (at least five times thicker than for any other two-dimensional superconductor), making \ce{PtBi2} an ideal platform to study low dimensional superconductivity in a topological semimetal.
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