Presence of resistance in building resilience of Health workforce in the COVID-19 crisis

In the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid pandemic, Group Analytic Society Belgrade (DGAB) devised and organized online support groups for health workers, health associates and student volunteers. Participation is devised to be voluntary, while respecting confidentiality and non-disclosure of content outside the group. Support groups for health workers aim to share experiences, feelings and mutual support that they invest in daily work. We assume that the groups as a space of integration understanding and common thinking, could impact the building of resilience of health workers in the given conditions of a pandemic crisis. Groups are organized two times a week - 1 h and 15' each. One may apply by filling out an online form, and choosing one of the offered dates, that provides access to the group once a week. Group leaders are experienced analysts, DGAB members and analysts in their final years of education. In the initial phase, they are open - it is enough to choose a day that suits the participant when filling out the application, and in the selected term to join via the link for the zoom meeting (the link is sent to the e-mail given in the application). The aim is to present challenges we encountered in forming the groups, from strong resistance in accepting the help offered, negating the need for support to the helplessness and hopelessness that any help is possible. Exploring ways to overcome noticed resistance and presenting experience in providing support to health professionals is vital to strengthen the capacity of human resources and health systems in general. The pandemic crisis has not only affected the conditions and needs of patients, but has created a need for complex approach and care for health workers (human resources), so health systems could achieve sustainability and overcome the crisis that has befallen them. Key messages The pandemic crisis has not only affected the conditions and needs of patients, but has created a need for complex approach and care for health professionals. Management of healthcare organizations should ensure to all health professionals support to overcome the crisis that has befallen them.
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