Detecting surface‐feeding behavior by rorqual whales in accelerometer data

The movement of marine animals feeding at the sea surface is restricted by wave drag and a reduction in propulsive efficiency. Many rorqual whale species lunge feed at the surface, yet existing methodologies for detecting lunges in accelerometer data have not been applied to surface-feeding behavior. Our study aimed to develop a method to detect surface-feeding behavior in accelerometer data and in doing so, determine whether wave drag influences the detection of surface-feeding behavior. A new acceleration parameter is described that considers the forward acceleration of the animal relative to its pitch. The new parameter, along with information on the deceleration and pitch angle, was then used in an automatic lunge detecting algorithm followed by a visual classification method that detected approximately 70% of the lunges observed during focal follow sampling. The forward acceleration of lunges decreased significantly with increasing proximity to the surface. This lower acceleration at the surface may influence the ability to detect lunge feeding behavior close to the surface. Future research should attempt to determine the cause of this relationship, which may be the influence of changes in the forces acting on the whale or behavioral flexibility by the whale.
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