Brief Report: Replication of the Five-Factor Structure of the Autism Impact Measure (AIM) in an Independent Sample.

The Autism Impact Measure is a caregiver-reported, behaviorally based measure designed to assess both frequency and functional impact of core ASD symptoms in children. This study used confirmatory factor analysis to determine if the factor structure of the AIM (Repetitive Behavior, Communication, Atypical Behavior, Social Reciprocity, and Peer Interaction), previously reported by Mazurek et al. (Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50: 2307-2319, 2020), was supported in a large (n = 611), independent sample. The sample was diverse in age (2-16 years) and IQ (M = 76.6, SD = 22.7), but was composed of approximately 80% males. There were some nuanced differences between this study and Mazurek et al. (Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50: 2307-2319, 2020), but findings generally provided further evidence supporting the psychometric properties of the AIM.
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